Emmanuel Fleitz


Emmanuel Fleitz (lives and works in Manoncourt-en-Woëvre), is a self-taught musician, mastering the double bass. In 2004, he created Man'ok & Cie, an artistic entity gathering different projects around the double bass, alone or in association with other artists. Together with dancer Sayoko Onishi he founded ‘Eden Europe’ for Esch2022.

Eden Europe is a choreographic and musical journey, it is a human experience to build a common imaginary and bring together the cultures present in the French-Luxembourg border territory. It’s an artistic work inscribed in the history of mythical, fabulous and symbolic gardens. And it’s a contemporary proposal marked by the multiple origins of the inhabitants, and a long list of marvelous gardens (the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Garden of Eden, Bosch's Garden of Delights, Hundertwasser's Garden of the Dead, the Garden of the Hesperides, the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, etc.).


Emmanuel performed during the Weaving Futures Festival:


Parisse De Dorian Boumpoutou Loukalou


Nazmul Haque Tonmoy (Sami)