
collective weaving installation

Thursday ‬June 23 – Saturday July 2‭, ‬2022‭
A Gadder‭, ‬Kultur‭ - ‬A Geschichthaus‭, ‬10‭, ‬Rue de France Belvaux Luxembourg


Weaving a House, installation by Samira Vogel and Julina Vanilla Bezold

For the first textile-atelier during the summer of 2021, Samira Vogel and Julina Vanille Bezold developed a collective weaving installation. Together with the audience they wove conversations into spontanuous patterns. For the Weaving Futures Festival they build a new loom, this time in the shape of a house. From second-hand cloths strips were torn, in different colours and lengths. The public was invited to collectively weave, together with the artists, a house.

In Luxembourg there is a growing lack of affordable housing options, even for permanent residents. A person newly granted refugee status is supposed to leave the shelters within three months. In reality most have no other option than staying in harsh and often depressing conditions. It often takes at least four years before any perspective to a house is found.

With the Weaving Futures project we want to create spaces for imagination, where other futures can be made possible.


Video: Annelys de Vet, 2022


Weaving Futures Festival, june 2022




Hip Hop